hatsunemikuprojectdivaarcade|China to host commemoration for NPC's affiliation to IPU

super2024-08-17 14:34:0611Tourism

BEIJINGhatsunemikuprojectdivaarcade, Aug. 17 (Xinhua) -- The commemoration of the 40th anniversary of China's National People's Congress's (NPC) affiliation to the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) will be held in China from Aug. 19 to 28.

hatsunemikuprojectdivaarcade|China to host commemoration for NPC's affiliation to IPU

The 2024 Interregional Seminar on the Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals for Parliaments of Developing Countries will be held during the same period.

Tulia Ackson, IPU president and Tanzania's National Assembly speaker, as well as parliamentary leaders and representatives from 32 developing countries, will attend the events at the invitation of the Chinese side.